Here is the Open Letter #7. As stated in previous Open Letters, the information below is provided because there are many in the community who has no information, some information, or erroneous information about several issues.
I will continue to select two or more topics once or twice each month merely to enlighten or inform. I will also accept topics from you for future “Open Letters.” Feel free to contact me at or 775-764-0949. You can also read my Blog at
I will continue to select two or more topics once or twice each month merely to enlighten or inform. I will also accept topics from you for future “Open Letters.” Feel free to contact me at or 775-764-0949. You can also read my Blog at
As a DISCLAIMER, please understand that I speak ONLY for myself as a Town Board member and will provide accurate information as I see it through my research. Please check my facts and feel free to provide corrected data if you believe I am in error. You are also free to ask other Town Board members or members of the community if they agree with me or have a different view point. All information is reviewed by several entities to ensure there are no NRS violations.
1. The View of Pahrump from a Citizen’s Perspective -
My Personal Overview of Pahrump, NV, in the Past Ten Years by Jackie Wondra.
What's really going on in Pahrump, Nevada, as the township goes through growing spurts? Are neighbors helping neighbors? Are the citizens working together for the "better cause" of the community? Are we part of the problem or part of the solution? What can we do as Pahrumpians residing in Nye County to put a positive spin on our Pahrump Community?
My husband and I decided to "bloom where we were planted" when we retired in 2000. Our first day in Pahrump, NV, was July 17, 2000, and it was 117 degrees outside when we got out of our truck. The positive side of that experience was there are fans, mister misties, shade, and air-conditioners. We learned to adapt to the times and the places.
Together we began to offer our volunteer services at the Oasis Outreach & Worship Center on Second Street in Pahrump. They had a Food Ministry available to the community. My husband became the treasurer and I became the clerk/secretary. Shortly after our involvement with the Food Ministry, we became involved with the Nye Community Coalition. We offered our building for the newly formed Community Outreach Committee in November, 2008, to meet the second Wednesday of each month. From that committee, three sub-committees were formed--Homeless Committee (now known as economically disadvantaged), Working Poor Committee, and the System Change Committee (which formed a Transportation Committee). More volunteers came on-board to provide services to the Pahrump Community.
The Community Outreach Meetings involve the Community Chest Facilitator, Shaun Griffith who comes to us from Virginia City, NV. There are representation, donations, and contributions from Joy Divine Interfaith Ministry, Hope Fellowship Church, Pahrump Valley United Methodist Church, Nevada Outreach, No To Abuse, Faith Fellowship church, Salvation Army, Central Valley Baptist, Staff from the Nye Community Coalition, St. Martin's Church, Pahrump Hospice, Helping Hands for Jesus, Pahrump SDA Church, Homeless Liaison Representation, Toys for Tots, Pahrump Town Board representatives, Nye County Commissioners, Ameri-Corp, Director of Welfare Department, Heritage Church, School Counselors, Stepping Stones Counseling, Cup of Faith Books and Gifts, PRIP INC, Kiwanis, Aktion Club, Job Connection, Pahrump Food for Thought, SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program), Great Basin College, Oasis Outreach, Hope Counseling Services, Sheriff's Auxiliary, Probation Representation, Southern Nevada Federal Detention Center, KNYE Radio, Channel 30, Channel 45, Tomasinos, Irene's, Terrible’s Lakeside, Wulfy’s, and many new businesses I have yet to learn about.
My personal overview of the township of Pahrump, Nevada, is it is a personable community where people and businesses help each other. Some are on the giving end and some are on the receiving end.
We have seven food banks providing services for the community. The Nye County Coalition has printed a directory for connections for anyone needing assistance when an emergency arises. We have working committees continuing to find ways to meet the needs of the community. The infrastructure of the community improves as funds are committed. Many organizations are now offering LUNCH AND LEARN WORKSHOPS, with no fees, so a variety of skills can be learned. The faith-based organizations pool their resources as emergencies arise.
Presently, the Holiday Task Force has organized a Free Spring Community Picnic on April 7th at Petrack Park with numerous fun activities for the entire family. Plans will continue for future Community Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners.
The Pahrump Community offers numerous support groups for families and individuals needing help--AA, NA, EA, Hospice, etc. Our local newspapers list the many support groups available. There are creative arts groups and hobby groups a person can belong to. Volunteers are always needed in the schools and at the local library.
I am looking forward to the day when Pahrump has a shuttle van or mini-bus service available on Highway 160, Highway 372, and the main cross streets. Getting around in Pahrump without a car has its challenges. My husband and I had to part with our second vehicle. However, bicycles work; walking works; car pooling works; sharing rides works; and there is always the local taxi. Owning and running a personal car has become a real challenge with the price of gas. I am for trying another way to get around the community, so having a bus ticket would help.
All in all, my overview of Pahrump is a positive one. We continue to strive to volunteer to solve the problems and not be the contributors to the problems. We continue to feel the growing pains of our community; but it is a great community and worth taking care of.
Jackie Wondra
Retired School Teacher / Oasis Outreach Clerk / Holiday Task Force Chairperson
Secretary to Homeless Committee / Member of Nye Community Coalition
2. Detention Center Information - CCA – 2012 Top Military Friendly Employer -
CCA has been named a 2012 Top Military-Friendly Employer” by G.I. Jobs magazine. This is CCA’s fifth time on the list of the “Top 100 Military-Friendly Employers” in America, and this year it took the 88th place.
With about 10 percent of CCA’s 17,000 employees having served in the U.S. Armed Forces, CCA values its service members and the contributions they bring to the company. CCA earned the additional honor as a “consistent performer” for being ranked on the list for at least three years.
G.I. Jobs magazine is the leading resource for service members transitioning from military to civilian life, including a new, satisfying career path. G.I. Jobs evaluates companies according to several factors: assets dedicated to hiring military, such as job fairs, special campaigns and other efforts; Reserve/Guard policies, percentage of new veterans hired, and internal recruitment, training and promotional programs for veterans, in addition to community outreach.
As a partner in the Pahrump community, donations to non-profits and fundraisers continue to grow. Among the local organizations that have benefited from direct donations of money and time from the Detention Center are: Pahrump Valley Youth Activities (Formerly the Boys and Girls Club), Town of Pahrump, Great Basin College, Nye County Sheriff’s Office, Miss Pahrump Pageant, VFW Post, Acoustic Grass Music Festival, Police Unity Tour, American Cancer Society Poker Run, and the League of Women Voters.
Also, they donate to Nathan Adelson Hospice, they help out with the “Trick or Treat Safe Night” that was held at the Nugget, and they helped with the Annual Easter Egg hunt by donating money, volunteers, and prizes. They have partnered with the local fire department and auxiliary department as they participated in the “shop with a cop” that is sponsored by Wal-Mart. They are truly partners in the Pahrump Community.
For more information, contact the PAO (LeeAnn Archuleta) at 775-751-4504 or the Assistant PAO (Adam Gildner) at 775-751-4578. You might also want to meet and get to know the new Warden (Charlotte Collins) and Assistant Warden (Fernando Rodriguez) at 775-751-4506. They are new to our community but have already become supportive neighbors.
3. Incorporation – To Incorporate or NOT to Incorporate –
After many conversations about the topic of Incorporation of the Town of Pahrump with so many of you, I decided to consolidate my response so you can read it over, think about it, and share it with your friends and acquaintances. I hope you will read this message whether you are “for” or “against” Incorporation. It does not matter because, as I listen to all of you, everyone has an opinion.
Actually, this is NOT about whether or not we should Incorporate or remain Un-Incorporated, it is about the oath I took to “Support and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Please look at and READ the 15th, 19th, and the 26th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. They all state the Right to Vote by United States citizens.
I continually hear from well meaning Pahrump citizens that “WE already voted THREE times against Incorporation” or “This horse has been beaten so many times and We don’t want to vote again” or “WE are against Incorporation and WE don’t want it on the ballot.” I have to “assume” from those comments that the We are the 52% of the people who were here during the year 2000, when the last Incorporation vote was taken and our population was 24,631. Since that vote, our Town population has increased by 48 % (11,810) to our current population of 36,441 according to the latest census.
I MUST ask the following question: Are those “well meaning” citizens stating that we should ignore the Constitution and deny those 48% of citizens that arrived here in the last 12 years the RIGHT to vote? We have MANY veterans here that fought for the rights we have and yet we have citizens here that continue to shout with a loud voice that 48% of the current citizens have NO right to vote. Let me quote from the Constitution:
15th Amendment – SECTION 1.
15th Amendment – SECTION 1.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.
19th Amendment –
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.
26th Amendment – SECTION 1.
The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of age.
The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state on account of age.
The Pahrump Incorporation Advisory Board left us the groundwork to make a decision about Incorporation and, since you elected us, we must accomplish the work you elected us to do. I continue to say at all forums that many Pahrump citizens did not have a chance to vote “yea” or “nay” for Incorporation. If you were here for the 2000 vote and voted “yea” or “nay” for Incorporation and have or have not changed your opinion, that is okay. However, I believe everyone is entitled to a “voice” and we should not limit the “voice” only to those residents who were here prior to the year 2000.
Be willing to “stand-up” for what you believe but don’t deny your fellow citizens the RIGHT to vote “yea” or “nay” as you did in 2000. Your Town Board will support you “pro” or “con” and, as much as we appreciate the phone calls, e-mails, and conversations stating your position, this is your opportunity to “step up to the plate” and involve the entire community.
Again, this is NOT about whether or not we should Incorporate or remain Un-Incorporated, it is about allowing all citizens the RIGHT to vote to determine the future for Pahrump.
4. The Documents of Freedom -
I have ceased writing about the Documents of Freedom since so many others have “taken up the torch” to educate all of us on those important documents. For those who read my previous “Open Letters” you understand just how important the Documents of Freedom really are to our country and to me.
That TORCH is under the title of “Founding Fathers” and I just read installment number 15 entitled “What is an American?” by Pat Kerby. Again, I offer thanks to Phillip Hider that my eyes were opened to the Documents of Freedom. The other articles I have read under “Founding Defenders” were written by Phil Hider, Brian Shoemake, Pat Kerby, and Mr. Bill Carns. It is my hope that all of you are reading their articles as well. Please continue to share this information with family, friends, and especially our younger generation. Help them understand the importance of these documents and how these documents helped to create and sustain the best country on earth.
Please remember that ignorance is gone once our younger generation know and accept the education that is provided. I wish for each of you the knowledge and education you desire. Know that it is sheer stupidity to refuse to be educated and we are not a stupid people. The Documents of Freedom are the educational tools we need to know our Rights and Freedoms. As I continue to state, you hear many people loudly state, “I know my Rights!” But do they? Do you?
Dr. Tom Waters
Pahrump Town Board
Pahrump Town Board
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