It is so easy to always complain about someone or something, but if you do that, it gives those around you the impression that you are a ‘negative’ person. Instead of being the voice of “gloom & doom” why not try to reflect a “positive” image of Pahrump and of those of us who live here. Also, we can always “agree” to “disagree” without being disagreeable and we can avoid hateful rhetoric. Look for the POSITIVE, not the NEGATIVE in our community. Please look at my “Polly Anna” list below and see where you could have said THANKS. Hopefully, you already did say THANKS. J Please remember what the Dalai Lama stated, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. And, if you want to be happy, practice compassion.”
Are you looking for the Positive or the Negative? You can find either in most situations. I choose to look for the Positive because I am an eternal optimist. We can work together to fix or eliminate the problems in our community without blaming each other for the cause. In other words, we can work together to make Pahrump the “ideal” place we all want it to be.
Have YOU said THANKS or looked for the Positive in:
- Churches / Places of Prayer- Have you taken the time to thank your pastor, rabbi, or religious leader for being there when you need him or her? Have you thanked the congregational members for praying for you or calling you?
- Casino Meals and Buffets – Have you thanked the workers for a nice meal? What about the service? A “tip” is nice but when you include a THANKS with a SMILE, WoW !! J
- Restaurants – We have some GREAT restaurants and other eateries in our community. They could use that THANKS and SMILE too.
- Wal-Mart – This is the Pahrump Meeting Place. We can complain about the crowds or we can enjoy the “tour” around the store. When you go there, don’t be in a hurry and things go so much smoother.
- Town Board – Here are FIVE people who receive ZERO pay for governing our town and we should THANK them for donating their time. We voted for them and placed them into office and we should support their efforts. If we agree with them we should let them know. If we disagree with them we can let them know without being disagreeable or argumentative. Negative name-calling is unnecessary and reduces the image of the name-caller and that of our town. Did YOU run for a Town Board seat? Did you vote for a particular candidate? Well, vote again in November and, whether your choice wins or not, support those that are elected. THANK them for their efforts.
- Town Office – This office (and the people there) is the GLUE that holds it all together. When you go by, THANK them for all that they do.
I could go on and on about being “positive for Pahrump” because, according to the AMA, positive people are healthier. It takes more energy and muscles to frown than to smile. I have positive things to say about our County Commissioners, Great Basin College, Concerned Citizens for a Safe Community (CCSC), Nevada Center for Public Policy Dialogue (NCPPD), and so many others.
As you can see, I am positive about the potential of our town and of our citizens. It will take all of us working together to make Pahrump the place we want it to be.
Ugh.. another "Lopez Zombie" with the whole positive stuff.
ReplyDeleteWhy must I go through life with a fake smile on my face pretending I am one of the sheeple?
Thanks but I will pass, This town has a lot of positive in it, but I am not a mindless drone like the people on "Positive Pahrump" and I refuse to not call out things I do not like when I see it.
To me all that "positive Pahrump" has to offer is "vote for the democrat at all costs even when they are the wrong choice" and that is not positive.