Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Open Letter #12


Here is the Open Letter #12.  Feel free to contact me at or 775-764-0949. 

As a DISCLAIMER, please understand that I speak ONLY for myself as a Town Board member and will provide accurate information as I see it through my research.  All information is reviewed by several entities to ensure there are no NRS violations. 

The Pahrump Town Board Candidates Should Have Untarnished Past Records -
You have a lot to think about as you go to the polls in November.  I ask that you learn about the candidates and vote for the people that you believe will be best in the office they seek.  Of course, my primary interest in this Open Letter is the Pahrump Town Board.  We have FOUR candidates and, regardless of rumors, innuendos, and false accusations, only THREE have an untarnished past record from my research.  One does have a tarnished past record.  That is, if the article in the Pahrump Mirror Newspaper, (August 16, 2012 by Belinda Hendrickson entitled “Maurizio ethics complaint costs town”) is correct and I have no reason to doubt it since I have many of the same documents she uses in her article and they are readily available on the Internet. 

After reading Ms. Hendrickson’s article, one must ask themselves this question.  Is it possible that Mr. Frank Maurizio makes the attacks on others in hopes no one will “look at the skeletons in his closet?”  In addition to all the information in the article, please remember that I stated in one of my previous Open Letters to the Citizens (Open Letter #3-October 2011), that Mr. Frank Maurizio cost the Town of Pahrump approximately $3,000 when he submitted a frivolous Open Meeting Law violation complaint against three Pahrump Town Board members that had no merit according to the Nevada Attorney General’s office.  He writes many Letters to the Editor and sends out many email messages but I can’t remember any message from him about himself or the material contained in the Pahrump Mirror newspaper article.  On his radio program, he criticizes many people with mere innuendos and no officially documented evidence.  Let’s reiterate the documented evidence that he does not want to talk about.  We can start with the Nevada Commission of Ethic’s opinion #09-40C that is easily located on the web at

Let’s see, according to Ms. Hendrickson’s article, he cost the Town $5,350 for an ethics violation in 2010.  He gave protected attorney-client privileged documents to his attorney who then tried to introduce the documents into evidence with the Nevada Ethics Commission that the Commission refused to accept.  The commission’s findings were that Mr. Maurizio had violated two provisions of the Nevada Revised Statues for which he agreed to pay a fine of $1,000 and attend an ethics training program.  Also, in September 2009, he was fined $2,500 by the Nevada Private Investigators Licensing Board because his website described him as a licensed private investigator when he had no such license. 

We all know that he was appointed to the Pahrump Town Board in 2008 by Nevada Governor James Gibbons to fill a vacancy which amounted to a 2-year term of office.  According to available documents, he falsified his application to the Governor’s Office when he stated in his résumé that he had a B.S. Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Phoenix.  I personally contacted Mr. Maurizio about this information and he confirmed that he made an unintentional error on his résumé.  In essence, he did not have a B.S. Degree from the University of Phoenix at the time of his application.  Since he, and only he, is fully responsible for all information on documents submitted for his application this makes this candidate, according to my dictionary, either incompetent, dishonest, or unethical.  Personally I like Mr. Maurizio and I mean him no “ill will” but we all must face that old adage, “people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.” 

So, of the three remaining candidates, who is qualified to serve on the Pahrump Town Board?  As citizens willing to serve their community, I say ALL THREE are qualified to serve.  However, if you want experience to be a factor, there are only TWO with Town Board experience.  That is Vicky Parker (the current Chairman) and Bill Dolan (former Vice-Chairman).  I speak from experience when I say that service on the Pahrump Town Board brings a “steep learning curve” and I wish I had had the experience of either Vicky Parker or Bill Dolan when I took my seat as a novice in January 2011.  My background as a senior Air Force NCO, senior Air Force officer, a college director of education, and high school (and middle school) administrator does not compensate for the experience needed to be a Town Board member. 

So, I personally recommend for YOUR Town Board the two candidates with experience, VICKY PARKER and BILL DOLAN

Please remember that the Pahrump Town Board is YOUR local government and you need people on the Board to represent your best interests in an honest and ethical manner.  I will continue to ask that you retain control of your Local Government by electing experienced citizens to serve as your Local Government as members of your Town Board.  It is up to you to take a positive stand for your local government. 

Lastly, Remember to vote NO when you see the BALLOT QUESTION, “Shall the Pahrump elected town board form of government be discontinued?”  Retain your local government. 

Dr. Tom Waters
Pahrump Town Board

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