Sunday, April 29, 2012

Open Letter #8


Here is the Open Letter #8.  As stated in previous Open Letters, the information below is provided because there are many in the community who has no information, some information, or erroneous information about several issues. 
I will continue to select two or more topics once or twice each month merely to enlighten or inform.  I will also accept topics from you for future “Open Letters.”  Feel free to contact me at or 775-764-0949.  You can also read my Blog at

As a DISCLAIMER, please understand that I speak ONLY for myself as a Town Board member and will provide accurate information as I see it through my research.  Please check my facts and feel free to provide corrected data if you believe I am in error.  You are also free to ask other Town Board members or members of the community if they agree with me or have a different view point.  All information is reviewed by several entities to ensure there are no NRS violations. 

1. The Pahrump Town Manager and the 2009 Gun Issue -
When I arrived here in 2008 after 10 years in Germany as a school teacher and school administrator for DoDEA, I started to attend Town Board meetings.  I found that I was quite interested in the “workings of the Town government.”  After a few meetings, one of the things I saw on the agenda was the fact that guns (weapons) would not be allowed in Town Buildings.  It was item #12 on the January 27, 2009 Town Board agenda that stated, “
Discussion and decision regarding barring firearms on Town owned property, in Town owned buildings, and at Town sponsored events.   Town Manager” 

As a gun owner and an ardent supporter of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution, I was concerned about this issue.  However, I also support the fact that “firearms” are legally barred from hospitals, schools, federal buildings, etc., and I don’t hear many complaints from the public about that.  So, I didn’t have a complaint about this item on the agenda.  However, I saw the “united” resistance from the community and was pleased to see it removed from the agenda without a vote.  That should have ended the discussion but it didn’t. 

When people tell me that they “do not like our Town Manager, Bill Kohbarger” I ask “Why not?”  The response I receive 99% of the time begins with “He tried to take our guns away.”  Most people listen when I tell them that what they heard is NOT the true story and I appreciate the fact that they listen to my explanation.  Also, most people admit that the negative comments they repeat are comments they heard from someone else but never really experienced it themselves.  Please remember too that the Town Manager can NOT vote on any agenda item.  Here is the “rest of the story” as Paul Harvey would say. 

What most people don’t know is that the agenda item in January 2009 was requested and sponsored by a Town Board member, not the Town Manager.  One of the Town Manager’s “unwritten” responsibilities is to “take the heat” for the elected (or appointed) Town Board members and that is exactly what he did.  When the question was asked at the Town Board meeting, “Who placed this item on the agenda?” he stepped up and said, “I did.”  That was an honest answer because the Town Manager places all items on the agenda usually at the request of a Town Board member or a citizen.  When the request comes from a Town Board member (his supervisor) it becomes more of a demand than a request and is placed on the agenda … unless it violates an NRS or federal law.  I want to repeat, ONLY the Town Board members can vote on agenda items, NOT the Town Manager. 

If you personally speak to the Town Manager you will find that he has no problem with guns or the use of guns.  Nor does he blame guns for people using them in an incorrect fashion - murder, shooting sprees, etc…  The Town Manager himself owns six guns (5-hand guns and 1-rifle).  He was taught gun safety by his father, a law enforcement officer and learned how to properly handle guns at a very young age.  Since the age of seven, he would go shooting with his father on a regular basis.  He has in turn taught his young son gun safety and how to properly handle a weapon.  Another fact that is sometime overlooked is that the Town Manager was a Law Enforcement officer in the State of Ohio, for nearly eight years, before becoming a Manager.  During his law enforcement career he participated in 40 hours of training each year as part of his on-going training.  So, stop by his office and get to know him before making a decision about him.  You might just be surprised that you may find him “very likable” and have NO reason to dislike him. 

However, if you don’t like the Town Manager for another factual reason, that is between you and the Town Manager.  And, for those that keep stating that “he tried to take our guns away”, I hope you understand after reading this statement in my Open Letter that that statement is just “NOT THE TRUTH.” 

2. The Town Board Candidates for 2012 -
When I talk about Town Board Candidates, I am NOT speaking to Bill Dolan, Frank Maurizio, Vicky Parker, or Don Rust (in alphabetical order) because they have all been in, or in Vicky Parker’s case, is still in, the HOT seat and understand what it is to have 1/5th of a vote on any issue before this Public Body.  Some candidates state boldly what they will do as soon as they are elected.  The fact of the matter is your vote is useless unless you can convince at least two other members to vote for the issue you’re interested in moving forward.  If you discuss the issue with two other TB members prior to the Open Meeting, you are violating the Open Meeting Law (OML) and could be fined and/or recommended for removal from office by the State Attorney General. 

Please remember that as a Town Board member, your “goal” is to do whatever you can in the best interest of Pahrump and its citizens.  You learn the “best interest” by listening to the voting public and not merely the “special interest” groups.  There are over 37,000 people in Pahrump so listen to as many as you can. 

As always, be careful of what you wish for because you just might get it.  Yes, as a voting resident of Pahrump I already know who I will support for the Pahrump Town Board but, to all Town Board candidates, I thank you for your support to the Town of Pahrump and I wish you the very best in your efforts. 

3. My Personal Farewell to Ace Hardware -
I was one of the people that really hated to hear that Ace Hardware would close.  I understand the economy (I have a BS Degree in Economics) and I also understand competition.  This is NOT a negative statement about Home Depot and I selfishly wanted to keep them both.  Ace wasn’t the only casualty of the growth of our Town but, as a historic fixture in the community, it was like losing a member of the family. 

I went to Ace as often as I could because I loved visiting a real Hardware Store that had so much more.  I know things cost a little more that the “BIG” store but I felt I wanted to “do my part” for our community.  I also went there for the friendly atmosphere and the extremely knowledgeable Ace employees.  Whether I needed to build something or fix something, I needed expert guidance and I would get it if I went to Ace.  When I needed a “thigamagig” that went on the “gismo” that operated my lights or the water system, I found the parts I needed at Ace … along with the expertise on how to install it.  For a “real” example, I had a serious water leak at my house.   The water company told me that since it was on the “other side” of the meter, it was MY responsibility.  As a novice, I tried an easy “workaround” fix that kept leaking.  Then, I went to Ace for real advice and was told how to make a proper repair.  It was more work than I wanted to put in but was told that, “if you want it done right, this is what you need to do.”  I followed that advice and felt comfortable that all the parts I would need would be available at Ace and they were.  The final repair is still repaired today.  That is only one of the many stories that I hear from neighbors and friends around town.  We all miss Ace Hardware in Pahrump. 

I will close this segment of this Open Letter by saying, “THANKS ACE” (and our neighbors and friends that worked there) for being there when we needed you and we will miss you. 

4. The Political Signs Once Again  -
Did you know that the Political Signs you see all over the landscape are protected by law?  Well, they are.  And, it is that time of the year again when you will see a lot of Political Signs.  They will be there prior to the Primary Elections that begin with Early Voting on May 26, 2012 and end on Primary Election Day, June 12, 2012.  For those candidates that do NOT proceed to the General Election in November 2012, they have 30 days after the Primary Elections to remove their signs.  Those that are successful and proceed to the General Election in November may leave their signs up until 30 days after the General Election.  (From my experience, I would recommend to those that are successful in the Primary to take the signs down anyway because the summer heat will also take its toll on the signs that are left up).  Just remember that it is the sign owner’s decision to leave them up or take them down, NOT YOUR decision so, “leave the signs alone.” 

We, as Americans, have a powerful constitutionally protected tool called the VOTE.  There is no need to destroy a sign merely because you don’t agree with a person running for an office.  Merely vote for the candidate of your choice.  Also, please know that destruction of a Political Sign is a violation of Nevada Law and could be costly in addition to having a negative impact on your future. 

The Nevada Law Statute we have is under malicious mischief-injury to property.  NRS 206.310.  Punishment is based on the value of the property as set out in NRS 193.155.  Less than $25 is a fine of not more than $500, while $25-$249 is a misdemeanor, and $250-$4,999 is a gross misdemeanor but above $5000 is a felony.  If there were multiple instances the District Attorney would try to aggregate them to determine the value and, hence, the punishment. 
Remember to use your VOTE and leave the signs alone. 

Lastly, please know that it is unlawful to place political signs on state, county, or town property or on private property without written permission of the owner. 

Dr. Tom Waters
Pahrump Town Board

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