Sunday, March 13, 2011

Another Open Letter

Another OPEN Letter to Pahrump Residents

After my last “Open Letter” I received lots of comments from residents.  Although I didn’t expect it, I am pleased to say that the comments were all positive (some ‘pro’’-Incorporation and some against’ Incorporation) and several people offered friendly recommendations.  If you didn’t see my last “Open Letter” to you, you can view it on my BLOG at

One “recommendation” that I received and felt was very worthwhile was to encourage everyone to sign a partition for placing Incorporation on the ballot in 2012.  There are many citizens that are opposed to Incorporation but still want to see it ON the ballot.  The partition would be ONLY to place the issue on the ballot without stating that you are for or against Incorporation.  And, it would allow every voter to have a “voice” in our future to either remain an Unincorporated Town or become an Incorporated City. 

All I ask, and will continue to ask, is that everyone be allowed to “voice” their opinion.  So, let’s get the questions properly “framed” for the “Up or Down” vote in 2012.  Also, please remember that this will ONLY happen IF someone comes forward to start a “Grassroots” organization to make it happen.  Are YOU that someone?  According to the County District Attorney and the County Clerk, you will need to get 1840 signatures of Pahrump residents to sign the petition stating that they are in favor of placing the referendum of Incorporation on the ballot in 2012.  This figure (1840) is based on 15% of the Total Voter Turnout in the last General Election. 

BOTTOM LINE: Whether you are for Incorporation or against Incorporation, you have a vested interest as a Pahrump resident in seeing this issue ON the ballot in 2012.  Regardless of the outcome, we can all join together and accept this as the fourth and hopefully the final vote regarding Incorporation. 

Go to my BLOG and read more of my thoughts.  J  It is