Letter to Pahrump Residents
PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR TOWN BOARD. We are here to serve YOU, all of you. We can’t function without hearing from and listening to you, your ideas, your thoughts, and your desires for the future of our Town.
I ask that you contact not only me but all five of us to ensure that we are all “hearing” the same things. If we do something that you consider “stupid” because we were “ill informed” and you had the information but did not share it with us, then blame yourselves for not enlightening us. We are NOT all-seeing and all-knowing but, we are all-caring about our Town. We truly are Civil Servants because we donate our entire annual salaries to YOU, the Town of Pahrump. You can easily contact us by e-mail or phone. This information is readily available on the Town Webpage or by visiting or calling the Town Office.
Look over the agenda for the next Town Board meeting. If you have questions or recommendations please get them to us BEFORE the meeting so we can provide a ‘researched’ response. In many cases, you (or an Advisory Board) will be the only experts we have. So, work with us so we can work together for the betterment of the Town.
As I’ve said before and will continue to say, please come to the Town Board meetings and show your support for OUR Town. Thanks.